The Piece of Gold

November 9, 2010 Donna New

I have about 15 nieces and nephews, including girlfriends and boyfriends for right now because they spend a lot of time with the family. I observe them, their sweetness, their kindness, their sense of humor, the way they spend time together. They are definitely made in God’s image. There is the sweetness and kindness of the Savior, there is “the joy of the Lord is our strength”, and there is the need for fellowship.”

Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let Us [Father, Son and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after our likeness….Genesis 2:18 Now it is not good, sufficient or satisfactory that man should be alone…

God didn’t want man to be alone because God didn’t want to be alone. He made man for fellowship with Him. He longs for our love and is waiting for our response, just like my nephews and nieces are waiting for their wife or husband to come along. It’s a hunger we all have, for love, for companionship because we were made in our Heavenly Father’s image.

Our relationships on earth are at best awkward and contain mistakes. But we long for them nevertheless and we work to make them the best they can be. And some people come very close to the way a marriage relationship should be. But some of that longing for improvement is a reminder that in heaven will be the Wedding Feast where our perfect marriage relationship will be.

God’s image, stamped on us, can help us to see Him as Someone who wants relationship with us. He’s Someone who’s heartbeat is companionship. “O Jerusalem…how often would I have gathered your children together as a mother hen gathers her brood under her wings”…Matt 23:27 Jerusalem, His people rejected Him. But He longed to tenderly take them under His wings.

In “Pirates of the Caribbean” the heroine of the movie at the beginning was drawn to and fascinated with a gold necklace that had a pirate symbol on it. And a while after that she found the owner of the necklace…a handsome pirate’s son who fell in love with her and she with him. Like she was drawn to that necklace we’re drawn to him or her before we ever meet. That longing was placed in us by God.

Entry Filed under: Uncategorized

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Rachel  |  November 9, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    Yes! It’s always amazing to me when I think of how God CHOSE US & not the other way around. ❤

    • 2. purplefacedpansy  |  November 10, 2010 at 6:42 am

      Thank you for your comment Rachel. He does choose us and gently pursues us. Our longing for Him even is Him pursuing us. :0)

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